Attorney at Law

I wear a few hats but practicing law is the main hat worn. I am an attorney-at-law in Trinidad and Tobago and was called to the bar of England and Wales. In my practice, the primary focus is to help clients understand their rights and act on their behalf so that they can fully access those rights. This unwavering determination is not limited to any area of practice

When not in the courtroom, I am in the studio recording voice overs or on set acting out a role or serving my community as a Rotarian. I have worked at the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the Centre for Trade Policy and Law and the Canadian High Commission to name a few.

These varied experiences seamlessly compliments and bolsters the multifaceted nature of legal practice.  Finally, law is not the core of life. The law exists to facilitate and make easier your daily living. I am here to help you have a smoother journey.
Port of Spain Trinidad & Tobago
E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 868. 774. 0897 (Legal)